Module type Xapi_work_queues.Item

module type Item = sig .. end
A work item submitted to a worker pool

type t 
work item
val dump_item : t -> Rpc.t
dump_item item returns a short description of the operation for debugging purposes
val dump_task : t -> Rpc.t
dump_task t dumps information about the task to execute, other than the operation defined above
val execute : t -> unit
execute item gets called to run the work item. Exceptions raised by execute get logged and ignored. Calls to execute with the same tag are serialised.
val finally : t -> unit
finally item gets called when executing the work item has finished, regardless whether it raised an exception or not. Exceptions raised by finally get logged and ignored. Note that calls to finally are not serialised!
val should_keep : t -> t list -> bool
should_keep current previous Determines whether the current work item should be retained knowing that the previous items in the queue exist.